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Motor Cruisers Motor/Sailing








Mary Anne  


Please note that during your cruise most sailing boats will largely motor sail due to distances involved   between the islands to maximise seeing as much as possible. However, the sails will be put up periodically when weather and time allows.



Sample Itinerary



Day 1:      Baltra / North Seymour
Day 2:      Sullivan Bay / Bartolome
Day 3:    Tower: Darwin Bay / Prince Phillip's Steps
Day 4:      James / Jervis
Day 5:      Puerto Ayora: Cdrs /Highlands
Day 6:      Floreana: Post Office Bay / Pta. Cormorant
Day 7:      Espafiola (Hood): Punta Suarez / Gardner Bay
Day 8:      South Plazas / Baltra / Departure


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This site is Sample Tours and Boats, more information being added all the time so if you can't find the tour you want then contact Ania Mudrewicz   by E-mail:- galapagos@btinternet.com at Galapagos Classic Cruises. The Web Site is in the process of being updated and reconstructed.  Other destinations apart from Galapagos are:  Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Easter Island, Ecuador, Peru, Costa Rica, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Falkland Islands, Antarctica, the  Arctic, Pitcairn, French Polynesia, the Marquesas, Fiji, Tonga and Papua New Guinea.  For something a bit closer, cruises to Croatia and Turkey are also on offer.