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Papua New Guinea
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Capture the Spirit of Papua New Guinea

New Guinea is the world's second largest island and also the world's highest island. It has magnificent scenery ranging from pristine coral atolls to vast river and delta systems, Savannah plains and vast rainforests. New Guinea is home to the largest area of intact rainforest outside the Amazon.  It is famous for its exotic birds - particularly the Bird of Paradise, colourful parrots and lorikeets, and the large cassowary, to name but a few.

Incredibly, there are over seven hundred languages and reflecting the languages is a variety of cultures - from Highland cultures based on the imitation of Birds of Paradise to elaborate initiation and scarification ceremonies of the Sepik.

Your introduction to New Guinea will enable you to visit the best sites and stay at some of the most picturesque lodges whilst visiting the local areas and tribes people. Alternatively you can travel on the M.V. Sepik Spirit which also allows you to explore the mystery of the Sepik River, renowned in the past for its anthropologists and art collectors from around the world. Visit where Margaret Mead once lived and explore the surrounding traditional villages and culture. A wide array of art awaits you - statues, masks, basketry, string bags, necklaces, flutes and drums. A variety of lodges allow you to visit both the highlands and the coastal areas of New Guinea.

Nestled at 7000 ft, Ambua Lodge boasts spectacular views of the valley below and surrounding mist shrouded mountains. All lodges are built in the traditional architectural style and in contrast to the Sepik people whose art is manifested in ceremonial and decorative carvings, the Highland people use body decoration, face painting and human hair wigs decorated with feathers, flowers and moss.  The Huli culture is one of the most colourful and vibrant found here and the surrounding area is home to orchids, rhododendrons, traditional vine bridges and waterfalls.

Malolo lodge located along the oceanfront offers the visitor a chance to kayak in crystal waters to an uninhabited island or snorkel in calm, protected lagoon waters which abound with tropical reef fish and swaying soft corals. Malolo Lodge also caters for all levels of divers and is the first land based dive operator in New Guinea to offer NITROX and technical diving.  Papua New Guinea's coral reefs not only support a huge variety of fish life but the reef structures themselves are also incredibly varied and in the Madang lagoon area alone, one can find over 600 species of nudibranchs.  Malolo offers both land based dives to Hole in the Wall, the Quarry, the USS Boston (a WWll minesweeper), Dedos drop off, Mugil lagoon, and day boat dives to the many wrecks in Madang Harbour including a B25 Mitchell Bomber and the Henry Leith.

We also offer a number of small group adventure expeditions which last for 4-5 days to the Southern Highlands, Mt. Wilhelm and Simbu and include canoeing in the Sepik and Karawari rivers - details of these expeditions are described overleaf.

Don't miss the opportunity to sample the various singsing festivals which New Guinea hosts throughout the year - more details on the Mt. Hagen Cultural show in August and the Goroka Show in September are available on request.


This site is Sample Tours and Boats, more information being added all the time so if you can't find the tour you want then contact Ania Mudrewicz   by E-mail:- galapagos@btinternet.com at Galapagos Classic Cruises. The Web Site is in the process of being updated and reconstructed.  Other destinations apart from Galapagos are:  Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Easter Island, Ecuador, Peru, Costa Rica, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Falkland Islands, Antarctica, the  Arctic, Pitcairn, French Polynesia, the Marquesas, Fiji, Tonga and Papua New Guinea.  For something a bit closer, cruises to Croatia and Turkey are also on offer.